Use "forebear|forebears" in a sentence

1. 13 I had much ado to forebear laughing.

2. His realism was not the realism of his forebears.

3. 1 I'll come back to the land of my forebears.

4. 15 Moderation: Avoid extremes. Forebear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.

5. Ancestor definition, a person from whom one is descended; forebear; progenitor

6. 2 His realism was not the realism of his forebears.

7. 19 If only he had lavished that kind of discrimination on their forebear.

8. Cain’s descendant Lamech turned out to be as violently inclined as his ungodly forebear.

9. 12. (a) Like their forebears, in what wrongdoing did Ezekiel’s contemporaries engage?

10. My forebears hardly knew what went on outside their small feudal society.

11. 3 One of his forebears could have won the support of Wilfrid.

12. Antonyms for Anaphor include cataphor, logophor, antecedent, ancestor, family, predecessor, ancestry, descent, extraction and forebear

13. 7 My forebears hardly knew what went on outside their small feudal society.

14. 14 He was a good man , but always forebear his wrath and complaint.

15. 23 Consider how much more frugal the poor are than we, how much better they forebear hardship.

16. A person from whom one is descended , especially if more remote than a grandparent; a forebear.

17. 16 Many of us conform to the outdated customs laid down by our forebears.

18. Afrobeats is both the evolution and in many ways antithesis of its prefixed forebear

19. Rather, our verb is based on forebears in Late Latin (anathematizare) and Greek (Anathematizein)

20. Antonyms for Consequents include antecedents, ancestors, family, predecessors, ancestries, descent, extraction, forebears, forefathers and progenitors

21. 21 Try as they might, however, the younger singers rarely measure up to their forebears.

22. 6 Many of us conform to the outdated customs laid down by our forebears.

23. 4 Like their forebears, they chose subjects to illustrate the many facets of village life.

24. 24 A person from whom one is descended , especially if more remote than a grandparent; a forebear.

25. Try as they might, however, the younger singers rarely measure up to their forebears.

26. 5 But in the land of my forebears, women sit around and wait for their men.

27. One family has a Confederate cavalryman among its forebears, the other is descended from slaves.

28. But in the land of my forebears, women sit around and wait for their men.

29. 9 People not only had more than their forebears; they also had revolutionary new products.

30. 18 The time of Sigmar passed, and he became a legend, the heroic forebear of his people.

31. 8 One family has a Confederate cavalryman among its forebears,[] the other is descended from slaves.

32. Rather, our verb is based on forebears in Late Latin ("anathematizare") and Greek ("Anathematizein")

33. The fillings are as generous as their Stateside forebears and the rye bread has a nice, chewy texture.

34. 22 Perhaps it will be consummated on a scale of which our forebears could scarcely dream.

35. They stood for the preservation of the mores and folkways that had guided their forebears for generations.

36. 17 They stood for the preservation of the mores and folkways that had guided their forebears for generations.

37. Rather, our verb is based on forebears in Late Latin ("anathematizare") and Greek ("Anathematizein")

38. 12 The fillings are as generous as their Stateside forebears and the rye bread has a nice, chewy texture.

39. 25 The findings — uncovered by Megan Smolenyak, a genealogist, and The New York Times — substantiate what Mrs. Obama has called longstanding family rumors about a white forebear.

40. While a staple of contemporary video games, the term Critical hit got its start in the forebear of video games: tabletop games.

41. Karlin relates the oppressive anti-Semitism his forebears endured in a vague, almost elliptical style with dips into the stream of consciousness.

42. I'm glad it's not just me, Nina -- I was afraid I had been possessed by the spirits of my Anglophilic HB forebears.

43. 20 None the less they deserve notice and respect, for their forebears were once the most advanced and revolutionary creatures in the seas.

44. 6 He was correct in so far as our forebears were piteously shattered but quite wrong in thinking that they could be subjugated.

45. 10 Karlin relates the oppressive anti-Semitism his forebears endured in a vague, almost elliptical style with dips into the stream of consciousness.

46. 11 Indeed the habits of our civilised forebears at work and play would not always stand up to the scrutiny of the modern conscience.

47. 26 The original Mangonel was first used in Roman times to fling large rocks at enemies. This Mangonel, though bearing some resemblance to its forebear, is far larger than its Roman counterparts.

48. The forebears of the Bandog are believed to be the American Pit Bull Terrier and the Neapolitan Mastiff, however other contributing bloodlines may include the early Bullenbeissers and crossed breeds used in the Crusades.

49. In 1792, the Justices, as a group, wrote to the President concerning circuit riding: "We, really, sir, find the Burthens laid upon us so excessive that we cannot forebear representing them in strong and explicit terms

50. ‘The son brings a small mound of rice, water, and flowers or fruit, and Beseeches his forebears to keep their protective watch over the family and its fortunes.’ ‘A voice at the other end gives details of a medical emergency, and Beseeches the doctor to come at once to the hospital.’

51. The other horsey nook, the Polo de Paris, invites the public in for matches on its greensward not far from Long-champ, but tea on the terrace is a plush and private affair, which might draw such members as the Marquis de Ganay, the British Ambassador; Sir Gladwyn Jebb; the Count Robert Toulouse-Lautrec; or any number of Baroneted Rothschilds, whose forebears started the club in 1895.